
类型:喜剧 动画  日本  1996 

主演:拉沙尔石井 宫本充 森尾由美 菱谷纮二 佐山阳规 茶风林 林家正藏 

导演:八角哲夫 三泽伸 高松信司 高本宣弘 鴫野彰 

Kochikame 303/303 + Ovas

Kochikame is an anime comedy tv series featuring Ryotsu Kankichi, a lazy, ugly, rough, manner less, greedy but sweet at heart police officer working at Kameari police station. The show revolves around the daily life of Ryotsu along with his fellow workmates, his boss, his apartment fellow mates and many others; and sometimes it also shows the deeper moments of Ryotsu's life.

与乌龙派出所某集相似的电影。生活感很强 搞笑。阿里嘎多,秋本治老爷子。《乌龙派出所》动画三百多集看完了。B型血双鱼座的两津 想法只会更多 永不放弃。有趣的灵魂使丑陋的外貌都成了优点。乌龙派出所。