頂著平頭、雙頰消瘦、滿身刺青的憨嘉(鄭人碩飾演)是流氓世家中最後一個流氓,每一次幸福要逼近他的時候,他就覺得自己的死期到了,到底誰能終結這個魔咒?是他自己,還是他的亡命好友或是他的流氓家人?   在監獄中失去自由的日子,對宏嘉來說是相當辛苦的煎熬,在生命以為已經走到盡頭的那一天,一個叫做靜娟(李亦捷飾演)的女孩出現了,這或許是一場「一命換一命」的開始。      本片由真人實事改編。

Adopted from the extraordinary true story of Om-Ga. Om-Ga (played by Cheng Ren-Shuo), who is the last hooligan in his hooligan family. Every time some blessing approaches him, he always feels it is his death sentence. Can anyone break this curse? Can it be himself, his friends, his hooligan father, or his mother? On this day when Om-Ga is thinking that his life is coming to the end, a woman named Jing-juan (played by Li Yi-Jie) shows up. It may be the beginning of "a life for a life." However, before the story reaches the end, no one knows the answer to break this curse actually lies in.


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