影片讲述了千禧年发生在南方小镇上的一段曾经无限接近,却又渐行渐远的少年情谊。“好学生”黎菲(张子枫 饰)与“坏孩子”张辰浩(张宥浩 饰),各自经历了时代大潮下家庭的变迁,一起奋力而坚韧地成长。然而高考前的一场剧变,让青春笼上阴影,最终裹挟住了二人的命运。

In a small Chinese town some years ago, two childhood friends contend with the harsh realities of a nation drastically transitioning from Socialism to Market Economy. A young boy looking for guidance accidentally gets entangled with local hoodlums. His neighbor and classmate, a decent young girl, tries her best to help him with his studies while staying afloat amid the chaos of modernization herself. They dream of a future where they can both leave the confines of their town, but an unexpected accident redirects their fates to something else entirely.

电影《再见,少年》暑假和大家见面,可对接!。2020年,受大家关注的几部好电影(2)仅供参考。电影投资VX: TT_5566123。张子枫《再见,少年》重磅来袭,刷新国产青春片票房?。《再见,少年》对标《少年的你》大地出品,票房收割机。愿你你走出半生,归来仍是少年。国民妹妹邀请你观看《再见,少年》。张子枫《再见,少年》定暑假档?会是票房黑马吗?该怎么投呢?。《再见少年》正规版权认购18272015106。期待《再见,少年》。

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