朱宣文(完颜洛绒 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的富二代,在遭遇了一场可怕的车祸后,他似乎是被撞坏了脑袋,竟然坚信自己是从古代穿越回现代的王爷,甚至放弃了家族企业的经营权,在郊外开始搭建王府,彻底过上了悠闲的养老生活。   罗开怀(庄达菲 饰)是一名还处在实习期的心理医生,虽然从业时间并不长,但罗开怀的医术了得深受患者们的信赖。然而,在生活里,罗开怀的脑子却一直处于少一根筋的状态,大大咧咧糊里糊涂,生活几乎无法自理,在这样的情况下,罗开怀成为了朱宣文的主治医生。对于罗开怀的“入侵”,朱宣文当然是抵抗到底,但高额的医疗费让罗开怀亦不愿意轻易放弃这个挣钱的机会。

Abandoning all the duties of his daily life, Xuan Wen leaves control of his company in the hands of others to focus instead on building a palace for himself and managing his prosperous empire. With no more alternatives, people close to him agree that they need to seek professional help on his behalf. When they hire Luo Kai Huai (Zhuang Da Fei), a mental health specialist whose urgent need for money leads her to accept Xuan Wen's unusual case, they leave her friend in her care.

新颖现代小甜剧。关于二叔 朱力——。一定要刷的甜剧系列!。《恋爱剧本》观后感。神经病也没关系。这个恋爱剧本有点甜。《她和他的恋爱剧本》。史上最不怕穿帮的古装戏。她和他的恋爱剧本背景音乐。朱家公子宣玄文,罗府涟漪女开怀。

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