
类型:动作  中国台湾  1999 

主演:柯受良 于莉 蔡振南 陳昭榮 楊智傑 



臺北縣某分局的刑事組長,阿不拉為人正直,嫉惡如仇,兒子正值叛逆期的國三學生,與父親相處不甚融洽,倒是與同學、女友相處愉快,同學的黑道父親長袖善舞,經營地下特種營業並與大陸走私集團合作牟利。   阿不拉有一警察好友,多年來經手洗黑錢,常勸不收賄的阿不拉與現實妥協,並幫他相親數次不成,其實阿不拉內心喜歡的是一位在破獲大陸走私中意外捉到的偷渡客,她是被臺商騙大肚子,來臺尋找希望與未來的。在阿不拉幫忙下,產下一女嬰後被迫遣返大陸。   兒子因為女友在酒郎當公主,被黑道的手下施暴,憤怒之下,隻身前往以卵擊石的報仇,險被對方殺害,所幸被阿不拉的同事救回。面對黑道的囂張與愛情的不順利,阿不拉忍無可忍,決定以暴制暴,除黑道,伸張正義。於是一場腥風血雨的大戰即將展開

Cop Abula arrests a pregnant illegal immigrant, Xiao Qing, who came from mainland China to look for the father of her baby. Upon arrest, Xiao Qing gives birth to a baby girl in the police station, causing disorder in the place. Abula takes care of her and even helps to search for the father. On the other hand, Abula has to face other worries, like the problem between him and his son, Ah Yi. In addition, there is the Mafia who makes life difficult for Abula as he refuses to accept bribery. In the end, Abula resorts to the improper way of solving the problem, resulting in a hilarious ending to the story.
