儿时被母亲抛弃的葛西泉(菅田将晖 饰)不得不放下心结,照顾着患有阿尔茨海默症的妈妈(原田美枝子 饰)。妈妈逐渐失忆,却经常奇怪地要求泉和妻子(长泽雅美 饰)带自己去看“半朵烟花”。随着妈妈的一次又一次走失,泉被抛弃压抑已久的情绪失控,母子矛盾彻底爆发。在妈妈生命最后的这段日子,泉最终发现了妈妈尘封许久的秘密……   影片改编自川村元气同名原著小说,荣获第70届圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节最佳导演奖。

New Year's Eve. Izumi finds his mother Yuriko wandering in a park in the freezing cold. Diagnosed with dementia, her mind quickly begins to fade. Yet, for her son, memories of the mother who raised him on her own feel as vivid as the day he lived through them, especially that of the time she had disappeared from his world, which haunts him to this day. As Yuriko slips slowly into oblivion, Izumi must come to terms with losing his mother again, this time forever. In his path to finding forgiveness in himself, however, Izumi soon uncovers Yuriko's secret past and the life she lived without him.

其实她都记得。我想和你再看一次“一半的烟花”。所有人都会遗忘。2023北影节主创交流全复盘(with 川村元气)。“半朵烟花”与错位的记忆真实。不是你忘记了,是我忘记了。TA遗忘了全世界,唯独忘不了爱你。任何人在任何时候分道扬镳都是正常的,放过自己吧。会遗忘才是人类。无法轻易释怀。

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