电影改编自日本著名推理小说家东野圭吾的同名小说。胜贤(郑在泳 饰)怎么也想不到,自己那乖巧可爱的女儿李秀珍(李秀彬 饰)会以一具冰冷的尸体的形式躺在自己的面前,然而事实已经发生,无法改变,李秀珍被卷入了一场谋杀案中,成为了案件里的受害者。   某日,痛苦的胜贤收到了一封神秘 的信件,追随着信件中给出的线索,胜贤见到了女儿临死前最后的影像,绝望和愤怒之中,胜贤杀死了罪犯之一的哲勇,事件并没有就此结束,一位依然有杀害自己女儿的凶手逍遥法外。哲勇的死吸引了警方的注意,一直在调查李秀珍一案的刑警亿观(李成民 饰)展开了对于胜贤的追捕。

Sang-Hyun, who lost his wife, lives with his daughter Soo-Jin. One day, Soo-Jin is raped and murdered. Frustrated by the lack of progress in his daughter's case, Sang-Hyun gets a mysterious hint by an unknown voice. He learns the identity of the two men who killed his daughter and the address of one of those two men. Sang-Hyun then goes to the home of that man and finds some evidence. Full of anger he kills the murderer. The father is now a fugitive and searched by the police while hunting down the other killer on himself.

犯罪不分年龄 罪恶不论大小。匍匐的复仇。以暴制暴。一把年龄的保护伞。孩子可以是恶魔。。无题。从个人问题到社会问题。小孩杀大人是正常,大人杀小孩就太疯狂了?。不在沉默中爆发就在沉默中灭亡。彷徨之刃。

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