由于涉嫌用枪支威胁“守法好市民”,当初以史上最差成绩从警校毕业的小巡警菊川玲二(生田斗真 饰)正式被署长酒见路夫(吹越满 饰)宣布开除公职。当他怒不可遏之际,却得知自己已被选为卧底,潜入关东头号黑帮数寄矢会,搜集会长轰周宝(岩城滉一 饰)操纵制造与贩卖毒品的证据。在经受了魔鬼教练一美先生(远藤宪一 饰)的折磨蹂躏后,玲二从头到尾焕然一新,走进了数寄矢会所控制的俱乐部,在此用鲜血结识了一生的兄弟——有着疯蝴蝶之称的阿湖义组的若头日浦匡也(堤真一 饰)。当他总算迈入黑道大门时,来自关西的蜂乃巢会则图谋挑起一场东西黑道大战争。站在风口浪尖的玲二,此时早已没有抽身的机会……   本片根据高桥升的同名漫画改编。

Reiji Kikukawa, who has a strong sense of justice, graduated from the police academy with the lowest score ever. He becomes a police constable, but is suddenly fired by the Police Chief due to "disciplinary" issues. In actuality, the firing is part of a carefully orchestrated plan. Reiji is ordered to become a "mole," an undercover cop. His target is Shuho Todoroki, the boss of the Sukiyakai gang. The group is the largest crime group in the Kanto area. Masaya Hiura, who works as a young boss of a Sukiyakai affiliated gang likes Reiji. While going through various hardships, Reiji works his way towards Shuho Todoroki.


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