23世纪中叶,地球已进入全面崩溃的阶段,战争和传染病让这颗原本美丽的蓝色星球破烂不堪,人类被迫离开赖以生存的家园,远赴外太空寻找新的栖息地。凭借TSA先进的技术,木卫五成为充满希望的新兴乐土。在此之后,大批地球人乘坐飞船前往木卫五,地球逐渐被人遗忘。   然而就在此时,不断有人起来反抗,声称要推翻TSA利用机器对人类的麻醉和统治,并据此不断向空间站发起恐怖袭击。美丽的劳拉·波特曼博士(Anna-Katharina Schwabroh 饰)随一艘货船前去空间站看望亲人。在长达4个月的旅途中,大部分人需进入睡眠状态。劳拉担任了值班的任务,然而在这静寂的飞船里,似乎有其他人在暗中窥视着她。一桩桩阴谋渐渐浮出水面……

In 2270, Earth is completely depleted and no one lives there anymore. Those that have money move to Rhea; but most of the population lives in orbit in space stations. Dr. Laura Portmann decides to work in the cargo ship Kassandra in an eight year travel to Station 42 that is in orbit of RH278 to raise money to meet her sister Arianne in Rhea. They keep in touch with each other, but their messages take three years to reach the other. Laura joins Captain Pierre Lacroix and his crew composed by the First Officer Anna Lindbergh; Communication Officer Miyuki Yoshida and Igor Prokoff and Claudio Vespucci. The Sky Marshall Samuel Decker joins the team since the terrorist group Luddites, led by Klaus Bruckner, is bombing the stations. Lacroix organizes shifts of eight and half months for each crew-member while the others rest in cryogenic sleep. Three years and eight months later, Laura finds that there is apparently a stowaway in the cargo compartments and Decker and Lacroix are awakened to investigate the incident with her; however, Lacroix has an accident and dies and the crew is waken up. Further, she finds that Arianne's transmission to her took only twenty minutes. What might be the secret of the cargo transported by Kassandra and where the spaceship is going?


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