Douglas is a foreign entrepreneur, who ventures to Russia in 1885 with dreams of selling a new, experimental steam-driven timber harvester in the wilds of Siberia. Jane is his assistant, who falls in love with a young Russian officer, André, and spends the next 10 years perfecting the harvester and pursuing her love, who has been exiled to Siberia.

关于爱情的无主题叙述-《西伯利亚理发师》。信仰寻求理解。浪花与大海。十个词帮你看懂西伯利亚理发师。任是稚拙也动人。有生之年狭路相逢的轻 II。决不低下高贵的头颅。For you,a thousand times over。俄罗斯寂寞了。深情即是一桩悲剧。

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