布莉(费莉西蒂·哈弗曼 Felicity Huffman 饰)是个性别倒错者,生就男儿身的他自幼认为自己应该是女人,因此成年后一直努力工作赚钱,一直接受荷尔蒙治疗,分步骤实行变性手术。就在最后一步正式“去势”的前夕,布莉接到来自纽约的意外消息,原来他有个儿子,是当年不小心的结果,如今快要成年,但当街卖身因此被警察拘留。布莉硬着头皮到纽约见到儿子陶比(凯文·齐格斯 Kevin Zegers 饰),隐瞒真实身份带他一路开车回家,一路相处布莉慢慢了解陶比对找到生父的执念,而陶比竟然爱上这位“大嫂”,这段古怪关系将以怎样的方式揭开真相……

Southern Californian Bree Osbourne, formerly Stanley Chupak, has finally received the news for which she has been waiting: she has been approved for male-to-female sexual reassignment surgery. But before Margaret, her therapist, will allow her to go through with the surgery scheduled in a week's time, Bree has to deal with an unresolved problem from her past. Bree gets a telephone call from a seventeen year old man named Toby Wilkins, who is looking for Stanley, his biological father. Toby is in a New York jail, having been supporting himself by petty crime and hustling. Stanley/Bree knew nothing about Toby before the telephone call. Toby apparently is all alone in the world, with his mother having committed suicide and being estranged from his stepfather in Tennessee. Masquerading as a Christian social worker, Bree, not telling him either of her true identity or her transgender status, bails Toby out of jail and tells him she will take him to Los Angeles, where Toby has aspirations of becoming a porn actor and reconnecting with his biological father. As Bree and Toby take their trans-American journey which includes some interesting encounters along the way, Bree has to decide what is best for Toby while having the foremost goal of making it back to Los Angeles for the scheduled surgery.

生命其实不过是从这样到那样的一趟旅程。谁是女人,女人是谁。《穿越美国》:变性父亲在路上。学做女人。一个真正的女人。輕鬆與沉重之間。一点温情。不是平反, 是關愛。《穿越美国》情节点总结(给要写这篇论文的人)。穿越心灵的旅行——《穿越美国》。

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