抗联战士庞天德(朱亚文 饰)所在部队被日本关东军疯狂围剿,不得已暂时撤入苏联境內。苏联方面安排娜塔莎(伊莉莎 饰)负责中国军人的谍报培训工作,她十分欣赏聪明俊朗的天德,两人萌生深深爱意。训练结束后,俩人被派遣到境内与地下党接头。他们成功烧毁了日军码头,处决了苏军败类罗斯托夫(安德烈拉泽夫 饰),为苏联方面搜集了大量详实的情报,随后,娜塔莎奉召回囯。天德拒绝了父亲(马恩然 饰)为他安排的婚姻,只想与娜塔莎早日重逢。新中国成立后,娜塔莎以苏联专家身份来到中囯,正待两人准备登记结婚时,中苏关系破裂,从此二人天各一方。改革开放后,天德牢记当年的约定,在中俄边境见到了魂牵梦绕几十年的娜塔莎......

In 1941 one of the Chinese troops, led by Pan Tiande, was defeated by the Japanese, and arrived in the Soviet Union by contacting the Soviet army. Officer Natasha was then responsible for their training. During the following military actions Pang's patriotism and bravery deeply moved Natasha, and they fell in love together. After the founding of New China Pang decided to serve the country as a mechanic worker, and Natasha became a soviet mechanic specialist after college. When they were preparing for the wedding, Natasha was ordered to return to the USSR. The departure was very dramatic. Later, Natasha wrote to Pang that she had settled down on the border, trying to be as close as possible, waiting for him to come one day.


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