刘邦和妻子结婚多年,婚姻生活一直都非常的平静。直到有一天,他邂逅了名为花(宫雪花 饰)的女子,花是一个行踪和身世都非常神秘的女人,这一份神秘感深深的吸引了刘邦,让他无法自拔。虽然刘邦疯狂的追求着花,但花坦言自己不愿意做破坏他人婚姻的第三者。   为了能够甩掉妻子而又不用支付赡养费,刘邦找来了阿锋。刘邦让阿锋假意追求妻子,如此一来他便可抓到妻子出轨的证据,顺利离婚。然而,在阿峰和女主角相处的过程中,他竟然渐渐地真的爱上了女主角,最终两人走到了一起。此时的刘邦已经拿到了想要的证据,阿锋和他之间爆发了激烈的矛盾。

Liu Bang has inherited forty million yuan of inheritance, and he spent flowers at his aunt 's funeral, which he cannot forget. Later, it developed into an inalienable relationship, so he asked Feng to pursue his wife Xin in order to collect evidence of adultery. In the end, Feng couldn't help falling in love with Xin, and killed Bang with the wrong hand. He was arrested and put in prison, but Xin and Hua drifted away.


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