梅兰妮(瑞茜•威瑟斯彭 Reese Witherspoon 饰)是纽约炙手可热的设计师之一,年轻貌美的她拥有众多追求者,其中不乏像纽约最有名的钻石王老五、市长的儿子安德鲁这样人物。可是梅兰妮虽然和安德鲁订了婚,却一连三次拒绝了他花费天价的求婚。众人一时都摸不着头脑。   其实,梅兰妮有自己的苦处:她本来是阿拉巴马州一个平凡的女孩,早已嫁给了当地一个纯朴的小伙子,但梅兰妮不甘心于小镇平凡无奇的生活,于是几年前独自来到纽约打拼。她必须回家乡办好离婚手续才能返回纽约开始她和安德鲁的新生活。   梅兰妮带着一种优越感回到了家乡,回到了之前她不屑一顾的生活的地方。此时,她才猛然醒悟,原来自己一直都没有改变,这里才是她的家!

Melanie Carmichael, an up and rising fashion designer in New York, has gotten almost everything she wished for since she was little. She has a great career and the JFK-like fiancée of New York City. But when he proposes to her, she doesn't forget about her family back down South. More importantly, her husband back there, who refuses to divorce her ever since she sent divorce papers seven years ago. To set matters straight, she decides to go to the south quick and make him sign the papers. When things don't turn out the way she planned them, she realizes that what she had before in the south was far more perfect than the life she had in New York City.

情归阿拉巴马。他爱你,他记得对你做过的所有承诺,并付出一切去实现它。Sweet Home Alabama, so sweet~~。最爱的爱情电影~不是之一。真正属于你的人只有一个。《情归阿拉巴马》:婚姻里不可原谅的谎言。一多想就会生气的电影。make yourself happy。爱让你成熟,让你找到幸福。回到南方,回到家。

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