In 1868, after the fall of the Shogun-dominated Japan, the new government orders people from Awaji, near Kobe, to re-locate to the northern part of Hokkaido. These people once supported the now displaced Samurais of the older days. After two years, over 500 of them settled in their new land under the leadership of Hideaki, husband of Shino. However, as crops fail he is to go to Sapporo to learn new techniques of farming, leaving his wife and daughter for 5 years. All this time, the new community is constantly watched by the government which choose to again uproot them from their new homes.

《北之零年》到《华之乱》。北之零年 忽略之后。史诗般的胸怀。当年评电影文字好简单。北国的冬天再冷,也不能冰封吉永小百合的美丽。。变。!SNTMDSNSCSDESD!!SNTMDSCSDESD!用力過猛。

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