玛利亚(达科塔·布鲁·理查兹 Dakota Blue Richards 饰)的父亲身负重债,逝世后只留给了她一本厚厚的古书《月亮坪的历史》,里面记载着月亮公主与白马的童话。十三岁的玛利亚变成了孤儿,来到月亮坪庄园投靠叔叔本杰明(艾恩·格拉法德 Ioan Gruffudd 饰)。然而入住古堡不久,玛利亚就发现怪事接踵而至:她的东西总是被到处乱放,屋里的钢琴会自动演奏,夜里甚至有一匹白马的影子在屋外晃荡……然而对于这些疑问叔叔却只字不肯透露,玛利亚只好偷偷翻阅那本被叔叔藏起来了的古书,终于得知了月亮坪上一段久远的神秘往事与仇怨,原来整个山谷已被月亮公主的诅咒笼罩百年,唯有等待一位拥有纯真心灵的解咒人出现……   本片改编自英国儿童文学作家伊丽莎白·古吉的经典小说《古堡里的月亮公主》。

When 13 year old Maria Merryweather's father dies, leaving her orphaned and homeless, she is forced to leave her luxurious London life to go and live with Sir Benjamin, an eccentric uncle she didn't know she had, at the mysterious Moonacre Manor. Soon Maria finds herself in a crumbling moonlit world torn apart by the hatred of an ancient feud with the dark and sinister De Noir family. Maria discovers that she is the last Moon Princess and, guided by an unlikely mix of allies, she must overcome her family's pride in order to unearth the secrets of the past before the 5000th moon rises and Moonacre disappears into the sea forever.

好与坏之间。这是一部看了开头就知道结尾的片子......。月亮坪的秘密。老旧的华丽。谁让是魔幻的呢 唉。好看到爆的电影!。银白色独角兽和黑色狮子。月亮坪的秘密。华丽服装加狗血剧情。太快以致很多情节变得很突兀。

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