Follows a pair of married couples, Alfie (Hopkins) and Helena (Jones), and their daughter Sally (Watts) and husband Roy (Brolin), as their passions, ambitions, and anxieties lead them into trouble and out of their minds. After Alfie leaves Helena to pursue his lost youth and a free-spirited call girl named Charmaine (Punch), Helena abandons rationality and surrenders her life to the loopy advice of a charlatan fortune teller. Unhappy in her marriage, Sally develops a crush on her handsome art gallery owner boss, Greg (Banderas), while Roy, a novelist nervously awaiting the response to his latest manuscript, becomes moonstruck over Dia (Pinto), a mystery woman who catches his gaze through a nearby window.

但寻死路,莫问前程。死神来了。【译】伍迪艾伦(Woody Allen)对于信仰、预言家和纽约的看法。克制的人儿。You will get what you need but not what you want。向死而生,永不言悔。40年后的Woody Allen。營營役役得個吉。生活,生活。Life is but a walking shadow...。

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