A colonized space had finally achieved peace, until a mysterious enemy, the UE, enters the scene and attacks colonies and other targets. Our main protagonist is from a destroyed colony, safely living on another. Before fleeing and surviving the attack however, he is entrusted with a data package which contains the one hope for humans to stand up against this powerful foe, plans for a gundam. Flit Asuno has spent most of his years on this peaceful colony studying science and realizing the plans, cultivating in the production of one. One which Flit ends up piloting himself when his new home is threatened.

第一集逻辑问题整理。无责任解说!尼玛,这货是高达么?!。冲啊神龙斗士~。【完结吐槽】便当高达AGE。单纯的吐个槽 暂时打三星...我不知道接下来到底会怎样...。三个人的命运成就历史。还是那句话,这部作品只有4分是不公平的。日升30年来的野心终于实现了,可惜这么庞大的世界并不好驾驭。虽然算不上很好,但绝对不应该是这个分数。这也叫日本动画?。

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