作为曾经叱咤风云的前垒球运动员,丽莎(瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 Reese Witherspoon 饰)不得不承认,自己30岁的“高龄”早已不适合再在职场上闯荡了。而就在事业遭受打击的节骨眼上,丽莎的感情也遭遇了危机。丽莎的男友马蒂(欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson 饰)是一个著名的花花公子,而身处而立之年的丽莎再也不愿意忍气吞声的当他的“备胎”,相处多年的两人一拍而散。   就在人生渐渐走向低谷的时候,丽莎遇见了名叫乔治(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)的男人。乔治有一个华尔街大亨父亲和一个让人血脉喷张的漂亮女友,可是在刹那间,他失去了这一切,甚至成为了联邦调查局的目标。同是天涯沦落人,丽莎和乔治的距离慢慢的拉近着,就在一切顺利进行的时候,马蒂却杀了个回马枪,乞求丽莎回到他的身边。在前男友和高富帅之间,丽莎不知该如何选择。

Star softball player, Lisa, has just been cut from the national team; Scholarly business man, George, has just been indicted from his father's company. With everything that they know in their lives taken from them, Lisa and George attempt to find romance. Lisa's potential boyfriend, Matty, however, is as clueless and perpetually single as they come, and George's girlfriend just dumped him. A chance hook-up through mutual friends, Lisa and George may be able to form a friendship, or more, that can help them climb out of the piles of lemons that life has handed to them.

《How Do You Know》爱在心里你怎知道。I propose to you that we get married。谢谢你不催我。How do you know…。Love the way you are。肥皂剧。5分电影。《你怎么知道?》——美国版《单身男女》。电影微评:你怎么知道。期待老杰克的作品。

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