A man called Paul is working after hours and is murdered by a supernatural entity in the shadow. When his son, the boy Martin, is frightened by the same creature, he sees his mother Sophie talking to an imaginary friend called Diana in the shadow of her room. Martin does not sleep anymore during the night. His older step sister Rebecca who lives alone is summoned by the social assistant. She brings Martin home and recalls her own experience with Diana years ago when she was young. Rebecca and her boyfriend Bret investigate the connection of Sophie with Diana and come up to a scary revelation about their past.

女主的男票是难得一见的又怂又萌。脑洞:超能力者Diana。你需要一个核能手电筒。一部难得逻辑在线的合格恐怖片。《关灯后》:心理疾病的隐喻。lights out。为什么家庭&亲情友爱这种东西一定要在恐怖片里存在?。我也脑洞下戴安娜到底是什么。花式开灯灭掉剪刀手戴安的故事。

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