巫师梅林(尼科尔·威廉森 Nicol Williamson 饰)赐予了亚瑟王(尼吉尔·特瑞 Nigel Terry 饰)一把充满了魔力的神剑,在临终之前,亚瑟王将这把神剑插入了巨石之中,他立下遗嘱,若是有谁能够将神剑从石头中拔出,便可以获得成为英国国王的资格。   一晃眼数年过去,亚瑟王的私生子站在了巨石面前,顺理成章的拔出了神剑继承了王位,成为了新一代的亚瑟王。之后,他迎娶了名为昆妮弗(切瑞·朗西 Cherie Lunghi 饰)的女子为妻,并且创立了圆桌骑士组织,开创了历史上最辉煌的时代。然而 好景不长,昆妮弗爱上了圆桌骑士兰斯洛特(尼古拉斯·克莱 Nicholas Clay 饰),与此同时,家族中爆发的丑闻领国王的统治岌岌可危。

The myth of King Arthur brought once again to the screen. Uthur Pendragon is given the mystical sword Excalibur by the wizard Merlin. At his death Uthur buries the sword into a stone, and the next man that can pull it out will be King of England. Years later Arthur, Uthur's bastard son draws Excalibur and becomes king. Guided by Merlin, Arthur marries Guenivere and gathers the Knights of the Round Table. Arthur's evil half-sister Morgana sires a son with him, who may prove his downfall.

那个让人心驰神往的年代。亚瑟王的四次超越。西方神话电影。Long story with many generation。《亚瑟王神剑》契约精神:神剑无敌。Plot from Wikipedia。众神谢幕、人王登场。

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