"The Thinning" takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where population control is dictated by a high-school aptitude test. When two students (Logan Paul and Peyton List) discover the test is smoke and mirrors hiding a larger conspiracy, they must fight the system to expose it and take it down.

这部影片揭露了现代社会的残酷现实。看到结尾吧。影评,人类削减计划 The Thinning,如果学习的目的是”生存“,那么生存的”价值“又在哪里?。人类自杀式生存简直是蠢上加蠢。人类削减计划。太烂了。RT。人类削减计划。拜托,这就是现实!。不明白,不理解。

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