一群劫匪计划好了打劫瓦伦西亚一家银行。他们打算抢走尽可能多的保险箱,然后通过与废弃地下铁线路相连的隧道逃之夭夭。尽管事情表面上看起来如此,但是西班牙首相的新闻发言人发现了蹊跷:这群劫匪真正的目标其实是一个特定的保险箱——314号盒子,盒子里面装的是正处在昏迷状态的前政府官员Gonzalo Soriano留下的文件,涉及到政府的惊天秘密。然而劫匪们的计划出了意想不到的差错,隧道由于暴雨而被淹没,他们无处可逃。与此同时,尽管这次抢劫是按照当权政府的某些部门下达的指示而行事,银行的保安人员们并没有接到指示要放他们逃走……

A group of thieves led by a man called El Uruguayo stalk a bank in Valencia to steal as many safety boxes as possible and later flee through a dug tunnel that communicates the building with an abandoned subway station. However, the press officer of the Prime Minister discovers what the thieves are actually after: they want to get their hands on box 314, property of Gonzalo Soriano, a former member of the government who slipped into a coma after a severe accident, left documents with compromising information. The gang's plans start to go awry when the tunnel is flooded by heavy rain, leaving them with no escape, plus to discover that the box really doesn't contains documents, but an external hard drive full of data about important names in all levels of the Spanish politic. At the same time, a fixer of the government receives the mission to assume the control of the negotiations, looking for recover at any cost the box 314 and the information before the robbers flee with it.

没感觉。揭示政府选举黑幕的劫匪片。百年宽恕哪里百年,哪里宽恕。只是开了几枪 没有一点械斗场面 全靠剧情支撑的枪匪片。鸡肋!(影评,Cien años de perdón)。真相是讽刺,挑起所有人的疑心你就随心所欲了。

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