小泽晴香(藤村歩)是一个个性独立坚强的少女,可是外表开朗的她却隐藏了一段不为人知的悲惨过去,终日被愧疚之情困扰的她,在某一天敲开了改变她命运的大门。在电影研究会中,晴香遇见了谜一般的男子齐藤八云(小野大辅 配音),黑发赤眼的他便是传说中左眼能够看到死灵的灵能力者。在八云的帮助下,一直以来为了姐姐的死而自责的晴香被治愈了,同时,八云古怪的作风和善良的内心也渐渐吸引了她的注意。   在校园中,发生着各种各样的自然科学无法解释的灵异事件,凭借着八云的特殊能力,晴香和八云开始逐个的揭露其真相。而在破案的过程中,八云扑朔迷离的身世也逐渐的浮出了水面。

In order to help a friend possessed by a spirit, Ozawa Haruka knocks on the door of her university's movie research association. There she meets Saitou Yakumo, a rude, unkempt young man with a red left eye, who is said to have spiritual powers. At first Haruka is skeptical, but she comes to believe him when he conveys messages from her older sister, who died when she was a child. Together, they work to shed light on the terrifying events happening at their university. But this is only the prologue of what's to come...

一心。只是表明有人给好评。半吊子的恐怖,半吊子的推理,半吊子的剧情,连半吊子都不如的女主角。谢谢。看到八云红眼时,,我知道了。还好吧。只是想说两句。。心灵侦探八云。太过正常 吐槽无能。短评不够写系列【心灵侦探八云】【吐槽】。

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