官方网站:http://www.super-sentai.net/sentai/bfj.html   在世界各地发生各式各样的奇怪现象,神秘的洋伞美女带来的国防部重要人物接连不断地被杀,于是国防部从世界各地集结了4个年轻人调查原因。4个人搜查中途相遇神秘洋伞美女的样貌一模一样的女性搜查官戴安,成员5个战士集结了。铁矿山将军的指挥下5个人各自给予战斗西服,组成Battle Fever J。

When the Secret Society Egos plots to send the world into unforeseen chaos, General Tetsuzan Kurama of the National Defense Ministry assembles a team of five of his most trusted young agents. Each agent previously had training in a country they were formally residing in and use their skills as the "Fever Team" donning power suits that represents each country they are each familiar with.


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