
The girl is from a criminal family. Her looks are deceiving, but illegal activities is bred into her. She tries to break free and defy her genes. As such, she works at a library and surrounds herself with books and focuses on providing service to the patron. It is a surprise then when she finds out her man's family are all cops. Yes, she is dating a man who is from a household of cops. Where do loyalties lie?

《鲁邦的女儿》,小偷与警察的禁忌之恋?。更新至EP02 小白兔做大盗贼!肥恭的神偷日常这样穿~。《鲁邦的女儿》:真人版“猫眼三姐妹”还带有沙雕气息?。鲁邦版罗密欧与朱丽叶,爱情、犯罪、沙雕一样都没少。万万没想到,肥恭这是在演沙雕片!。评论。评论。

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